Who we serve


Building a lower-carbon, regenerative economy requires interdisciplinary solutions and cross-sector collaboration.

Our team helps corporations determine what it takes to design, deploy, and operationalize credible transition strategies that tap into the greatest economic opportunity of our lifetime and drive systems change.

As one of the few industries not compatible with electrification, adoption of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is crucial. Luckily, there’s immense market opportunity. The SAF market is expected to reach nearly $700 billion by 2050, and the US government has set an ambitious goal of producing 3 billion gallons of SAF per year by 2030.

Airlines, producers, and other SAF stakeholders know firsthand the challenges they’re up against. Our team helps the aviation sector overcome the financial, policy, and production roadblocks to SAF adoption through a regional approach leveraging multi-sector collaboration across the entire value chain.

We conduct supplier due diligence for feedstocks and producers, develop justice-informed near- and long-term SAF adoption strategies, and advise you on how to best engage in the market for Scope 3 environmental attribute certificates.

Plane above the clouds and mountains.

Consumer products manufacturers are under increasing pressure to reduce their footprint. For example, in sectors like beauty and apparel, value chain emissions often account for 90-98% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) impact. Much of this has to do with how materials are sourced, produced, and used by consumers.

We help design and deploy lower-carbon and regenerative products that make financial and operational sense. This involves understanding the business risks and opportunities related to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies, building and testing circular business models, evaluating the return on investment (ROI) and return on carbon (ROC) of bio-based alternative materials, mitigating full-lifecycle product impacts, and more.

Production line

Renewable fuels are a critical part of transportation decarbonization, but wading through the nuanced market and policy drivers that impact their availability is a serious challenge. It requires a place-based approach and a deep understanding of the renewable fuels value chain.

Our team brings extensive knowledge of the production and refining processes related to renewable fuels. We help customers across the entire value chain navigate and finance the transition to renewable fuels, get a handle on macro-economic trends, find the right credits and incentives, forge innovative offtake agreements, and create viable markets through supportive policy.

With our vast network, we can connect renewable natural gas, sustainable aviation fuel, biofuel, and hydrogen producers with the right buyers and infrastructure partners, helping accelerate adoption at scale.

Corporations clean fuels

Retailers face unique transition challenges, from figuring out how to shift to clean energy across the entire value chain to identifying new, regenerative business models - all while constantly adapting to emerging national and subnational policy frameworks and shifting consumer sentiment.

Whether it’s engaging hundreds (or sometimes thousands) of suppliers to reduce Scope 3 emissions or navigating the complexities of corporate governance, we bring decades of experience helping global Fortune 100 retailers implement and deploy actionable climate transition projects.

Our team helps design ambitious yet feasible transition strategies, secure executive buy-in, navigate emerging policy signals, and evaluate and access pathways to finance high-impact initiatives.

Corporations retail

Decarbonizing the transportation sector isn’t just about electrification. Transport decarbonization requires a combination of electrification and renewable fuels strategies - there’s no silver bullet.

We help corporations, drayage, fleet operators, and freight providers connect with electric infrastructure, access clean fuels, and establish meaningful producer-buyer ecosystems to spur rapid decarbonization in the transportation sector.

Corporations transportation

Utilities play a critical role in enabling the global energy transition at scale. Fossil fuel alternatives such as solar, wind, geothermal, renewable natural gas (RNG), hydrogen, hydropower, and nuclear energy must scale faster to support Paris Agreement objectives.

The boom of artificial intelligence (AI) is exacerbating this challenge - AI is expected to increase electricity demand by 160% and data center electricity consumption by 7.5% in the United States by 2030.

We design credible energy transition strategies that can accelerate the decarbonization of the grid. We perform place-based market assessments, techno-economic studies, and policy analyses; and we can help you navigate compliance requirements and support ecosystem development.

Corporations utilities

Strategic partnerships

Direct Air Capture Fans


Learn how we help ClimateTech teams innovating in hard to abate sectors navigate the capital stack and find the right partners to accelerate their journey to market.

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Move from say to do

Accelerate your path to a lower-carbon and regenerative economy with a transition strategy and business model that’s financially and operationally viable.