Business model innovation

Thrive in a
regenerative future

Business model innovation

Embracing a lower-carbon future requires transformation across your entire organization, from how you operate and produce goods to how you deliver value to customers and communities.

Rethinking how you do business may feel daunting and financially infeasible. But when done right, it spurs innovation, boosts resilience, and delivers tangible bottom-line benefits.

Our team designs regenerative business models fit for a lower-carbon future. We help you quantify climate and financial benefits, identify innovative ways to build resilient products and supply chains, and overcome change management barriers to your new way of operating.  

Circular business models​
Climate adaptation and resilience​ planning
Lower-carbon products​
Return on carbon analysis​
Waste-to-energy solutions

Strategic partnerships

transition finance


Transition finance

If you’re wondering how to pay for your transition strategy, you’re not alone. Learn how we help organizations close the gap between climate ambition and action with innovative financing solutions. 

Learn more

Move from say to do

Accelerate your path to a lower-carbon and regenerative economy with a business model that’s financially and operationally viable.